Kyro Pink Gin
Kyrö Pink Gin is a small-batch gin that is traditionally made in Finland, celebrated for its natural flavors and commitment to equality. . It is infused with the finest of finnish gardens and forests—rhubarb, strawberries, and lingonberries that have been foraged. A pink gin that is meant to please all palates. Natural components like strawberries and rhubarb give pink gin its pink hue, though this may fade over time. This has no impact on Kyrö Pink Gin’s flavor or caliber. Enjoy Pink with lots of ice, a slice of pink grapefruit, and Fever-Tree tonic or soda water. includes E124, a coloring agent.
The flavor profile of Kyrö Pink Gin is described as sweetish, soft, and smooth, with berry notes and the distinct taste of juniper berry.
Country of Origin: Finland